Texo lang

The idea changes way too often

This is what I have for now:

What are contexts?

Contexts are required by some std lib functions denoted by ending with !

Functions using these must put the context needed in their type signature

Any other functions using a function needing some context must also provide the context

This bubbles up to the main function which provides all contexts

This verbosity is meant to discourage using unpure functions


(def greetings #{ :fr "Bonjour"
                  :en "Hello"   })

(def locale :en)

(def greet fn [] [(ask string) print] ()
  (print! "What's your name?")
  (let [name     (ask-string!)
        greeting (get locale greetings)]
    (print! `{{ greeting }}, {{ name }}`)))

(def main fn [] [(ask string) print] ()

< Florian
> Hello, Florian

More examples

random joke app in texo lang

XXIIVV webring